About Me

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This is my journal of experiences, thoughts, ideas, and experiments; it is erratic, sometimes fruitless, sometimes profound (at least for me). I don't advertise it, but I don't mind the occasional cyber-wanderer taking a gander at it. I tend to meander when I write, to jump to new topics without transition, and some things I say are tied to things I've talked about before, so feel free to hop around and just read what pops out at you.
Posted: Wednesday, November 3, 2010 by Sir Lancealot in

By far, San Luis Obispo to Santa Barbara have been the greatest parts of my trip so far; the bike ride to Arroyo Grande through valleys and hills and then back along Pismo/Shell Beach to see the variety of colors, shades, and textures of landscapes--I explained to my host Chris the next day something I hadn't realized until that moment, that I had never seen the weather interact with the landscape the way it did there--clouds casting shadows on proximal hills and running into mounts and changing shape and direction... It really was quite magical.  It´s those types of spaces that remind me why traveling is so great; it´s not necessarily the destination that is worth the trip, but the way you get there--enriching your adventure by NOT spending money on housing and transportation, what an earthshattering idea.  The thing is, when I arrive at places, often in those with lesser quality of living, the people are so preoccupied that they don´t get to explore the spaces relatively close to themselves.  This is something that it takes downtime to do--time where you have no needs and must find your own diversion--the kind of introspection and personal or community development that is a luxury of the wealthy or intellectual, mostly.  One might argue against me that there are plenty of poor people who travel--street kids and rednecks, etc--but these people had to first come from the lap of luxury, ie a country that provides its needs even when they dont provide them for themselves. 

So Santa Barbara... I don´t know if I talked about it before, but damn.  I arrived in the passenger seat of a rad guy from Irvine who had brought some other guys north to los alamos, and this was a perfect introduction to SB: full of people who are interesting and interested and active and generally vivacious--they know they are privileged with opportunity and utilize it to its utmost.  That´s absolutely not a bad thing; I´d rather see people who have power using it well, like royalty it gives hope and enlightenment even to those who don´t have it .  People who go surfing and love learning and practice new skills every chance they get; many who share and few who are lethargic, lots of ideas and creativity.  There were people like Mohammed, who went to school for 5 years and now is planning to go to Brazil, He surfs and looks like Burt Bacharach (and gets just as much play :). 

Perhaps I´ll just write some of the stories I have from Santa Barbara.  Having spent a couple months in such a vibrant and proactive place was really enriching:
I found a campsite as soon as I got to isla vista, an open space preserve right on the outskirts of the square mile town.  There were already three other guys squatting there, and it really was a precious sight, these guys being unpestered by the locals, working together to build a campsite and preparing for the coming rain.  I talked to them, met them all, buddha and crazy and jack, or whatever they were... asked them if theyd been bothered and such.  Nothing, so I felt great.  I hid my stuf in some blackberry thicket and went exploring on my bike.  There´s nothing like traveling a new town or any space, really, on a bicycle.  I was *****

I said this morning I was either going surfing or fishing; I chose fishing and was rewarded with a scorpionfish and a boogie board.

Rode down looking for the beach past the Snowy Plover Protection Area

and I'm looking to add some more stories to this ridiculous experience we call life
i'm going to Cabo
then either Hawaii or Guatemala
then either Okinawa or Costa Rica
then idk
but yeah i'm in SB now
and looking to party between here and SD
do the partywalk
getting fucked up and blowing minds and never looking back

 huevos, guavas, bagels, java
biking at midnight through the rain to marin crafting yoga food dancing sex sleeping hash pumpkin bread
night rides through the rain
fire dancing, circus practice
coops and hair beads
cliff caves on beachside property, i own this land for the night.  cooking for fun. fishy coffee

Halloween comes a week early in Isla Vista; Metal Pirate Zombie Prom
Hash Pumpkin Bread, ate three slices apiece and turned the world inside out; relapsed to our cocoon
Tucker bi surfer
Drumming dance fighting
Mohammed who lives in a squat van on coop land, going to Brazil
 Halloween in Isla Vista and Santa Barbara, Redskin then Quetzacoatl then Rufio then Sexy crossdressing Firefighter and finally i just streaked
Now I'm in the mountains working on a Bohemian pot farm.