Hey Folks!
So, I am living on my feet, by my wits and with faith in friends and community. I have toured North America for the past two years, from San Francisco to Babylonia, Mexico (partially documented in previous posts--I might flesh it out more later-wild mangoes, herbs, monkeys, hammocks, bridges, cob oven, mountains and cute little kids and precarious roads) but need a more engaging medium), back up to Kansas (to work on a permaculture farm in Lawrence (undie run, cooperative houses, biking about) and on to Michigan--playing around in Forest Park and at a cooperative in St Louis, then on to Cleveland, Chicago, around the lake to Michigan, picking fruit and discovering more places, then down through Ohio again to Cleveland and up to New York, Boston, and back down to Baltimore, Asheville to work and mess up at Klaywerks, deciding to go home and ended up occupying Nashville for the winter holding down the fort on the windy Legislative Plaza, taking a crash course in politics and engaging the locals, learning about their issues and crash course organizing community. As the weather warmed up, I planted several gardens, went to Chicago for the NATO protests, back to Kansas to visit family for a month, up to KC and Lincoln (I had other things I was supposed to be doing but resources and circumstances barred me from making it). I stayed at a collective there and made friends, I had intended to stay and help start projects but remembered that the Bay is full of awesome people and resources and wanted to get more professional in order to do what I wanted to do more effectively and share it with a virtual audience , and find inspired and energetic and skilled folks to come out and help establish community and culture in all these depressing ass places! So here I am. I intend to get practice in circus arts, build costumes and exhibits, and maybe get a truck or just get a camera. I have amazing conversations with strangers, discover beautiful places, and now have great ideas that I want to manifest in art and events. I know how to not only survive but thrive! And I think that if I can more effectively communicate what I'm up to, I can more effectively connect with the resources to manifest that art and those events.
About Me

- Sir Lancealot
- This is my journal of experiences, thoughts, ideas, and experiments; it is erratic, sometimes fruitless, sometimes profound (at least for me). I don't advertise it, but I don't mind the occasional cyber-wanderer taking a gander at it. I tend to meander when I write, to jump to new topics without transition, and some things I say are tied to things I've talked about before, so feel free to hop around and just read what pops out at you.