About Me

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This is my journal of experiences, thoughts, ideas, and experiments; it is erratic, sometimes fruitless, sometimes profound (at least for me). I don't advertise it, but I don't mind the occasional cyber-wanderer taking a gander at it. I tend to meander when I write, to jump to new topics without transition, and some things I say are tied to things I've talked about before, so feel free to hop around and just read what pops out at you.

So, that wasn't the best start.

Posted: Monday, February 23, 2009 by Sir Lancealot in

But by age 2, I was already quite linguistic. Ididn'twrote this poem:

"beauty's waste hath in the world an end,
And kept unused the user so destroys it.
No love toward others in that bosom sits
That on himself such murd'rous shame commits."

Now, I realize that it probably doesn't actually mean anything, but it seemed profound at the time. And my mommy put it up on the fridge, right next to the Domino's Pizza menu.