I've noticed that Christians and non-Christians live pretty much the same.
I hope I've learned something from last summer because I'm doing the same thing this summer. My quest is not over. I'm heading down to Ventura, then San Diego if I'm not welcomed with wide-open arms. I have a few decisions to make... whether to return to Hutchinson at the end of summer, whether to take courses there, whether to live free or get a job and rent a small place. I might hobbify sound mixing; I've got a good enough voice, creative mind, and technical causality to make something of it. But do I want to... Also, I'll probably try to do some auditioning. Not necessarily because I wanna be famous. But just because actors have a lot of influence, on hearts, minds, and dollars.
I did learn something: find somewhere warmer to live. And I'll be a lot more efficient with my dollars now. I'm buying a fat sack of trail mix and I'll light fires on the beach. I might try to find a job.
I feel bad about this, but I don't feel strong attachments to material objects or anybody in particular. I've left a lot of people in my wake. I'm a busybody; my body is always busy (though not always is my brain). Mostly I'm just on an indelible pursuit of something. I'm not sure what that something is, yet. Noo, silly, not a god.
Well, I know it's not my father. Knowledge and experience, mostly. But also...