About Me

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This is my journal of experiences, thoughts, ideas, and experiments; it is erratic, sometimes fruitless, sometimes profound (at least for me). I don't advertise it, but I don't mind the occasional cyber-wanderer taking a gander at it. I tend to meander when I write, to jump to new topics without transition, and some things I say are tied to things I've talked about before, so feel free to hop around and just read what pops out at you.

Little Thoughts for the Night

Posted: Friday, May 15, 2009 by Sir Lancealot in

Just a few thoughts I wanted to record, as facebook is far to superficial to keep any sort of reliable record for me; though now these arrangements are rendered practically public intellect.  Oh well, words can be found a thousand a pound.

"The rocks and the rivers said it couldn't happen; no life, you can't stay. The chances of you lasting more than a flash are likely as none. So remember that you being here is the first great rebellion of many. Use this privilege well.

You would be a better person if you just keep in mind that underneath these layers, not only are we human, we are animal. We act like animals, we make uninformed decisions, we still have hard-wired survival instincts that take over in social situations and survival situations alike--fight or flight, take or quake. Admitting you have a problem is the first step.