About Me

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This is my journal of experiences, thoughts, ideas, and experiments; it is erratic, sometimes fruitless, sometimes profound (at least for me). I don't advertise it, but I don't mind the occasional cyber-wanderer taking a gander at it. I tend to meander when I write, to jump to new topics without transition, and some things I say are tied to things I've talked about before, so feel free to hop around and just read what pops out at you.

The Future of the personal computer

Posted: Sunday, September 20, 2009 by Sir Lancealot in Labels: , , , ,

The internet is in limbo, still, and if i was more technologically savvy, I would be adamant about trying to help shape it; there's a lot of money in that. If I don't have the tools to help actually construct it, though, I can at least add my voice as a visionary to the development of it.

I've thought of what's missing. Currently, the internet is just another application to utilize on your computational device. But it should be--and we are rapidly going in this direction--a fundamental aspect of it. No computer should be disconnected from the web of computers. Increasingly applications are going online, and we have to upload everything to it. But as with p2p, the networking can and should be flexible to access without a general browser; the internet should be packaged into dynamic, accessible applications including word-processing, forums, games, discussion, newsfeeds--all which can be accessed separately and simultaneously, directly from the desktop.

Personally, I think Google's Android is poised to be the innovator to develop this more fully. They should be integrating that connectedness into their OS, such that facebook is a permanently open application on your computer, just like word or skype, which you can start chatting, videochatting, post feed or drag photos to at any time. No inputting the URL into your browser to enter and log in. Your profile is integrated into your desktop; you can drop links into your facebook bubble, your desktop background is your facebook background, your local albums are your public albums (unless you choose to keep it local). Comprende?

Facebook was what inspired the idea for me, but it works with other mainstream websites as well: youtube, google docs, stumbleupon, new york times. The browser will become archaic. if one needs to connect to a site for which there is not already a desktop experience, one can do a Google search directly from your desktop that opens a list of results. When we watch videos there will be a live stream of dialogue about it, when we post a note, link, photo, comment, or video it will be noted on our social program, and no longer will facebook be such a shallow interface for communication.

I know this is what will logically follow the current experience, but really I have two motives in posting this: 1_bragging rights that i posed it publicly before it happens, therefore guessing its development and being recognized for my true visionary capabilities, and 2_to open a dialogue as to what implications this has, what we lose in this environment, and where else one might see us going.

Self-dwelling and life-cycle swelling

Posted: by Sir Lancealot in Labels: , , , , , , ,

Dirty, dusty
crusty, tattered
A faint light within me of what I once was.

I used to be fantastic,
handsome friendly generous
I was generous
I gave and I shared,
I welcomed and warmed
Or i tried at least
My brain was operating too fast to interact with the laymen
But i wanted to make them my friends.

Now i'm cold
and home-broken
i quit my vice or two, and want to go straight
but it's fruitless
thus far
A shell of homeliness,
ironically covers the home lost



no mental peer
no econopeer
why am i so queer?

Broke away from what little i once loved
in pursuit of my ideals and dreams
it's a hard, darkly-lit road
it doesn't have law-enforced signs
or friendly guidance
Sometimes it doesn't really
even resemble a road
just a wide open
rolling view
I say view, but
it's eery, frightening, unknown
but i know there's space forward

if i go far enough i'll pick up what i need
i can light my own path

for now, time and necessity gently urge me onward

Sticky poetry

Posted: by Sir Lancealot in Labels: , , , , , , , , ,

Diggin' on diplo,
reachin' for the moon,
carryin' the stars.
How far back was that?

The sun burns with
lust, and anger, and every vice
rolled up into one
big bright beautiful "good" over the world

Yes, we run from hell
But don't you know
life's a racetrack?

And an ice cream cone,
and a box of chocolates.
How about a fuckin' rainbow
while we're at it? We fall
at the dusty, time-worn
feet of time again today,
but since there's no floor

since there's no floor
we'll fall forever, and
it's called entropy, and
it was good.
When it happens
you only feel peace

or shock at the peace

knowing what was never really there.