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This is my journal of experiences, thoughts, ideas, and experiments; it is erratic, sometimes fruitless, sometimes profound (at least for me). I don't advertise it, but I don't mind the occasional cyber-wanderer taking a gander at it. I tend to meander when I write, to jump to new topics without transition, and some things I say are tied to things I've talked about before, so feel free to hop around and just read what pops out at you.

Discovery Channel and Anthropomorphism

Posted: Saturday, May 30, 2009 by Sir Lancealot in

What if, when we watch animals at play, at life, and remark, "oh look, the way they act.... it's like little people..."
....What if it is we that are mimicking them, and not they us? Our inspiration for everything is nature, you know... They were here before us, you know. Considering that we evolved from them, we have taken their mating styles, their instinctual reactions, and developed our civil and pretentious ways from them... but--to quote my mother's ex-husband, who is currently doing 15-30 in prison--our shit don't stink of no better roses.

I'm not talking about ascribing them romance. I was pushed toward this under-developed idea upon reading about bird mating rituals, and our manner of speaking that presumes we were the ones to initiate such an action and they were the ones to mimic it.

This follows that mental perspective of assuming that "we" are better than "they" until proven otherwise.